Class-2 Digital Signature For MCA21 & Income tax filing & ROC (Price for Single Quantity)
Digital Signature Certificate 950 for 1 year with Token !!
Digital Signature Certificate 1100 for 2 year with Token !!
Documentation Required : DSC Form Duly filled & Signed, Copy of Pan & Address Proof Mandatory
- Digital Signature Certificate Class 2 / DGFT / e-tendering / Class 3 / income tax e-filing
- Tokens : Aladdin 72k, Autopass, Epass .
- Deal in Digital Signature Certificates / Tally/ Etokens /Airtel, Blackberry , Apple , Toshiba , Tally , Transcend , Kingston , Payroll Software ,
- Tally Partner- Tally.ERP 9 MultiUser Version @ 10800/- for Chartered Accountants,Tally Gold,Silver,Renewal/new
- Taxation Software –Webtel, Relyon, saral. TDS, ITR,SERVICE TAX,INCOME TAX, AUDIT,XBRL,Pay Roll .
- SSL Certificate